The School Day
Drop off / Pick Up
The school gates open at 8:35am, and gates close at 8.50am, with registration at 8.55am.
Anyone arriving after the gates have closed |
At the end of the day, the children will be brought out to the school gate by a member of staff at 3:20pm (youngest first).
An Average School Day
Each day, the children will have the chance to engage in a broad and balanced curriculum, including a daily commitment to reading and maths. The children have a morning break of 20 minutes,
Lunchtime is an hour and starts at 12.15pm. The children spend 15 to 30 minutes eating and have 30 to 45 minutes play, depending on how quickly they eat.
Afternoon registration is at 1.15pm. The teacher may also decide that a short afternoon break is necessary to refresh their brains, depending on the nature of their afternoon activities. This, combined with our PE, outdoor learning activities and OPAL playtimes, encourages a healthy and active lifestyle for our pupils that celebrates the outdoors.
Length of the School Week
As stipulated by the Summer '22 Education White Paper, the school is open 32.5 hours per week. We also have a range of after school clubs. There is no breakfast club available at Hayeswood.