School Dress Code
School uniform and other school logo items, including book bags, PE bags and baseball caps are available from Bartletts in Wimborne.
Our school colours are navy blue, white and grey.
Winter Uniform:
- White or navy polo shirt (plain or with the school logo), or white blouse or shirt.
- Navy blue school cardigan or sweatshirt (plain or with the school logo)
- Grey skirt, pinafore dress or school trousers
- Grey or white socks
- Navy or grey tights
- Sensible black shoes with covered toes, no trainers
Summer Uniform:
- Navy blue school cardigan or sweatshirt
- Blue checked or striped summer dresses
- Grey shorts can be worn in place of long trousers
- Grey or white socks
- Shoes or sandals, not the open toed variety.
All children need:
- A named P.E bag
- Black or Navy shorts
- White T-shirt either plain or with school logo
- Trainers for outdoor games
- A navy sweatshirt and jogging bottoms for outdoor PE lessons in the colder months.
All children should have a suitable coat for the season, waterproof trousers and wellies.
We help families in receipt of pupil Premium with the cost of some school uniform.
If families are struggling, we would urge them to make contact with the school.
Second hand uniform is currently not sold by the HSA. Many parents pass on school uniform on the Parent Facebook group.
We do not encourage the wearing of any jewellery in school for health and safety reasons.
Watches are acceptable providing they are not of the ‘novelty’ kind that could detract from learning.
All jewellery must be removed for PE lessons.
Please see below the new guidelines on wearing earrings in school.
Only one pair of simple stud earrings are allowed to be worn to school. They must be removed by the child themselves for PE. We recommend children come to school without earrings on PE days. If not, they must take them out and replace them themselves. Staff are not allowed to take out or put in earrings. Children are responsible for their own earrings if they are taken out at school. We encourage parents to make use of the summer holidays for ear piercing. This will enable ears to heal before returning to school in September.
If pupils come to school wearing earrings and are unable to remove them themselves, they will not be excluded from PE, but will not be allowed to use equipment or participate in contact PE. However, they will be required to participate in an alternative exercise because we have a duty to deliver the National Curriculum to all pupils, along with a duty to safeguard pupils in our care.
Lost Property
Please could parents ensure that every item of their child’s clothing is clearly named. Iron-on or sew-in name tapes are best, as biro fades very quickly after washing!! Lost, un-named property is stored in the Lost Property Box in school: parents are welcome to search for any lost items in this box at the start or end of the school day: please enquire at the School Office should you need to do this. N.B. The Lost Property box is periodically emptied owing to the volume of unclaimed items that can build up over time.
Shoulder length hair should be tied back: this is for reasons of health, safety and practicality.