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Hayeswood First School

Policies & Documents

Hayeswood First School is a founder member of Initio Learning Trust. We have aligned our individual school policies into Trust-wide policies. Click on the link below to see all Trust-wide policies agreed to date:

Initio Learning Trust Policies 

Hayeswood First School policies are listed below.

For information on Special Educational Needs policies, please click here

  1. Aims, values, mission statement
  2. Anti Bullying & Harrassment Policy (Trust wide)
  3. Attendance Management for parents
  4. Attendance Policy (Trust wide)
  5. Behaviour Policy
  6. Behaviour Guidance
  7. Charging and Remissions Policy (Trust-wide)
  8. Charging and Remissions Policy.docx
  9. Code of Conduct (Trust wide)
  10. Complaints Policy (Trust wide)
  11. Confidentiality - Good practice guide for volunteers working in school
  12. Disciplinary Procedure Policy (Trust wide)
  13. Educational Visit Policy
  14. Ensuring Good Education Health Needs (Trust wide)
  15. Equality Act Statement and Equality Objectives (Trust wide)
  16. Equality Act Statement- Objectives
  17. Equality and Diversity Policy
  18. Exclusion Policy (Trust wide)
  19. Feedback Policy (Trust wide).docx
  20. Freedom of Information and Publication Scheme
  21. Health & Safety Policy (Trust wide)
  22. Home Learning Guidelines Hayeswood
  23. ICT Responsible Use Policy (Trust wide)
  24. Induction for Early Career Teacher (ECTs) (Trust wide)
  25. Local School Committee Member Visits to Schools Policy (Trust wide)
  26. Mental Health Policy
  27. Online Safety Policy (Trust wide)
  28. Prevent Policy and Risk Assessment
  29. Privacy Notice for Parents and Pupils (Trust wide)
  30. Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement for EYFS & KS1
  31. Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement for KS2
  32. Reception Baseline Assessment Privacy Notice
  33. Recruitment and Selection Policy (Trust wide)
  34. Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education
  35. Remote Learning Policy (Trust wide)
  36. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (Trust Wide)
  37. Separated Parents Policy (Trust wide)
  38. Student Placement Policy
  39. Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions (Trust wide)
  40. Data Protection Policy (Trust Wide)